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Introducing Gradle pdf
Introducing Gradle pdf

Introducing Gradle. Balaji Varanasi

Introducing Gradle

ISBN: 9781484210321 | 120 pages | 3 Mb

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Introducing Gradle Balaji Varanasi
Publisher: Apress

This is a very high level overview of Gradle. After 5 weeks of work, my colleague Komal Sukhani and I succeeded in bringing Gradle 1.12 with other packages into Debian. Android Architect Mustafa Ali introduces a dexifo Gradle plugin that will help devs get around DEX 64K limits. Introduction to Gradle is aimed at developers and build masters who have no previous experience with Gradle. Introduction to GradleAndrey AdamovichAestas/IT. This segment provides an overview of the video, how I've organized it, and what we'll cover. Introducing Gradle 2016 by Balaji Varanasi, 9781484210321, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. LibraryIntroducing PSync: A Gradle plugin for Android preference management and zero boilerplate. Gradle is a build tool which replaces XML based build scripts with an internal DSL which is based on Groovy programming language. Building Software with Gradle -!

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