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EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) pdf
EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) pdf

EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition). Dave Steinberg, Frank Budinsky, Marcelo Paternostro, Ed Merks

EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition)

ISBN: 0321331885,9780321331885 | 744 pages | 19 Mb

Download EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition)

EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) Dave Steinberg, Frank Budinsky, Marcelo Paternostro, Ed Merks

Ed Merks leads the Eclipse Modeling Framework project as well as the top-level Eclipse Modeling project. A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Toolkit. This tutorial is based on Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). This tutorial describes the usage of the Eclipse EMF framework for modeling your data model and creating Java code from it. Addison Wesley (2009); Dave Steinberg et. The Eclipse Modeling Framework enables developers to rapidly construct robust applications based on surprisingly simple models. EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) . Gronbach: Eclipse Modeling Project. He also covers Eclipse projects discussed in no other book, including Query/View/Transformation (QVT) and the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF)–a project the author personally leads. This book shows how the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) has successfully bridged the gap between modelers and Java programmers. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is a core technology in the Eclipse Ecosystem and has become even more important with its application as the data model for Eclipse 4. EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) Details: EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework Dave Steinberg Frank Budinsky Marcelo Paternostro Ed Merks Series Editors: Erich Gamma ? Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is a powerful framework and code generation facility for building Java applications based on simple model definitions.

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